The Signs are Everywhere

It’s the biggest secret in the world.

What happens afterward?

It’s something none of us will ever know 100% while we’re here earth side. And, it’s something I didn’t think much about until Brady passed away. But, I remember my cousin, who is not religious at all, saying something to me after her mom passed away. She said “the human spirit is just too powerful to imagine it just disappears".” Some of my best nuggets about survival after grief have come from her.

I personally believe in Heaven and I believe there is a beautiful life afterward. But, that doesn’t mean we want our loved ones (or ourselves) to move on yet . So, when that happens, I find we’re constantly waiting for a sign that they’re listening and still with us in some capacity. And, I had several people say to me, “you’re going to feel him in your dreams. Just wait.” But, I never did. I still haven’t. And, I still hope for that. But, there have definitely been signs that my own loved ones are close. I’ll give you a few examples.

  1. Brady passed in September and Neil was in baseball playoffs and they shouldn’t have won that year. They were not playing their best. But, twice when Neil was up to bat he missed the first 2 pitches and I would say audibly “come on B, help him out'“ and WHACK, an RBI that would change the course of both games. And, they won that year.

  2. My grandfather passed away last October. And I was looking at his photo recently (it’s in my office) and right after I looked at his picture I went to look for a gift online for a friend’s daughter and the first thing that popped up was a new book called "Is the By.” Is the By is a Newfoundland folk song that my grandfather used to sing to us as he bounced us on his knee when we were kids.

  3. Very recently a friend passed away. And a couple days after her passing some of us girls got together to just share memories with her. The whole day it called for rain in the evening but, it held off for us. And, while we were there one single firefly buzzed in front of us and landed softly on one of our friends fingers. Then, when we wrapped up the evening we all went to our respective cars to turn them on and wouldn’t you know it was 11:11 PM.

There have certainly been more signs that have shown me that they’re still around but, this gives you a good idea of what to look for. It’s not always the norm or what you expect, but they’re there.


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