Childhood Cancer Month

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month.

Is there a more deserving recipient of donations, time, and awareness? To me, there’s not.

My children were lost to something all together different but, in the time we spent at the children’s hospital and in the time I have gotten to know and love a family that did say goodbye to their angel suffering with cancer, it’s become a cause incredibly near and dear to my own heart.

So, today’s post is dedicated to all those sweet angels who have survived, who have fought and lost and who will fight. And, with that, here are my top few ways to support and raise awareness for childhood cancer month.

Boo Boo’s Beanies

Gold Bike Project

McMaster or Sick Kids - designated for pediatric cancer research

Childhood Cancer Canada

If you’d like a first hand account from a parent, listen to the podcast episode with Tracey Fast HERE.



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