‘To Everything There is a Season’

“turn, turn, turn, And a time to every purpose, Under heaven…”

If you are in a season of hardship or grief, it can feel like it is everywhere and will never end. Particularly if you have recurrent loss. I can empathize with this experience.

Let this post just be a friendly reminder.

Seasons of hardship are usually followed by seasons of happiness or peace. Time is fleeting and always moving. So, it’s important to remember that for everything there is a season. A season of grief, loss, happiness, peace, hurt and the list goes on and on.

Much like the harsh snap of winter cold, which where I live in southern Ontario, seems to last forever. Inevitably the warmth of Spring and Summer does come. Sometimes in late March and sometimes we don’t turn off our heat until mid-late May. But, the summer sun does come and your summer sun will come too.

Don’t give up. Your grief will eventually give you perspective and soften your stubborn shell. It will make way for goodness and peace. It will show you your true people. It will show you how strong and resilient you are. And, it will allow you a space to carry your loved one with you into your next season. It may even make way for something new and beautiful to bloom. Be it a new family member, a new business or passion project, a new friendship or all of the above.

Ride out that cold snap. Your light is coming.


The Signs are Everywhere


Booklist for Kids Navigating Grief