Goals for 2023

A few months ago, I stumbled across Katie Zornes YouTube channel and was locked in. Last year she did this self care project called “22 hard things in 2022” and then of course came, started 23 hard things in 2023. And, THIS is how I created my own list of goals and subsequently determined my word of 2023 to hone in on in order to achieve these goals.

Katie does a great job of explaining how she came up with her 22 of 2022 and what you need to do to create your list. So, I won’t repeat her words. Please just head over to her channel and see for yourself how remarkable and simple this process can be. For now, I thought I would share with you my own 23 goals for 2023.

Here goes…

  1. Learn how to grow veggies from seed ( I have the seeds, I have a planer box, next step is the planting and nurturing when weather allows)

  2. Run a local 5k in June.

  3. Read 12 fiction books for pleasure

  4. Pay off all consumer / credit card debt

  5. Take a course

  6. Go to the dentist

  7. Get a gym membership, and go.

  8. Learn how to make sour dough bread

  9. Take a monthly date night with Neil

  10. Get Txxxxx Bxxxx on as a podcast guest (redacted in case I do get them. Would be a wonderful surprise)

  11. Do the splits ( Haven’t done this since my 20s)

  12. Do a regular push up

  13. Run a fundraiser for the children’s hospital

  14. Take my vitamins and supplements consistently

  15. Get pelvic floor physio (IYKYK)

  16. Determine my style

  17. Stick to a healthy wake/ sleep cycle

  18. monetize From Heaven & Hope

  19. Finalize our relationship with our Fertility clinic (whichever way this goes)

  20. Try a new activity with Kyla

  21. Guest post/ write for another blogger or publication

  22. Get back on skis

  23. Clean out crawl space

And, there you have it. I hope this helps you come up with your list and I do hope this provides clarity as to why Conquer is my word of the year. It’s a lot to conquer this year and I am nervous but, I am excited to have very focused goals with varying levels of difficulty. Wish me luck.

My goal is to: empathize, encourage and empower you as you move through grief at your own pace. I would be so honoured to be your companion and support you on this journey.

Book your first FREE session today!


Reflection on 2022


2023 Word of the Year