2023 Word of the Year

I’ve always been a fan of creating a word of the year. It just seems more attainable, more inspiring and available for a deeper meaning and thought than simply "I resolve to lose weight or floss more or spend more time with family” There is more substance and thought behind what it means to you and most importantly HOW you want to achieve that in the new year.

So, grab a coffee and lets chat through the process of choosing my word for 2023 and why it’s so important to me to cling to thing year.

My word for 2022 was Peace. And, I’d say for the most part, I did have a fairly peaceful year. There was more time spent by water than in the past, which always brings me peace. I am largely working from home which I find a lot of peace in and my time with family and friends lacked any dramatic ups or downs and I generally ended 2022 feeling at peace.

So, for 2023 I needed something with a little more action. I listed every word that came to mind: action, consistency, driven, passion, move etc. But, nothing felt right. I wanted action but not at the expense of peace. I wanted peace to still be the motivator. What I am aiming to acheive but, in order to get there I needed to successfully complete several goals. More on what those goals are and how I came up with them in a later post.

I’ve listened to a lot of podcasts, read a lot of books and blogs and I knew what my goals were so, what was a word I could lean on and use as my focus to achieve those?

My word for 2023 is Conquer!

Stay tuned for a more in depth look at what I set out to conquer this year…

My goal is to: empathize, encourage and empower you as you move through grief at your own pace. I would be so honoured to be your companion and support you on this journey.

Book your first FREE session today!


Goals for 2023


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