My Medium Experience

I recently had the opportunity to get a reading from a medium.

I have always been apprehensive about mediums for a multitude of reasons: Are they for real? what if they tell me something bad? what If I am just not suppose to know this? etc. But, on the other hand, what if it gives me some sort of peace? what if it helps?

A constant battle right?

Well, if you listened to one of my first episodes of the podcast with Margaret Wallace, she spoke about her experience with the medium Mark. And, if you recall, Margaret’s first experience with Mark was about a year after her son past away and without any context whatsoever, Mark brought up Brady. Now, Margaret and I are cousins. But, we do not have the same name, never have, we don’t live in the same area, never have and even though we have a relationship, she is on my dad’s side of the family which I don’t really have much contact with. So, it is very unexpected that he would bring up and connect with Brady through Margaret’s reading.

However, ever since then I knew that if I had the opportunity to speak with a medium, I wanted to chat with him. Well, low and behold, he has a wait list of multiple years. So, I put my name on the list and forgot all about it (this was last year) and then earlier this year I got an email saying there was a cancellation and did I want this reading on October 4 at 9:00 am? We were supposed to be leaving for Myrtle Beach first thing the morning of October 4.


We left for Myrtle Beach the day before and I took that reading at 9 am in West Virginia from the hotel while Kyla and Neil went swimming before we left for the remainder of our drive. And, this is the Coles notes version of what the experience was like…

In a word, amazing!

I still don’t know with 100% certainty that it is real or that I am supposed to know it all BUT I do know that it validated a lot of what I was feeling and he was able to tap into some incredible intuition that would suggest he has some connection to the spirit world.

I was warned in the beginning that you can’t control who will come through so, I tried my best not to link the whole session to Brady and Levi and what I wanted to hear from them. And, one thing I didn’t realize was that he connected with the spiritual piece of the living as well. Which meant I was able to draw connections and validate feelings. And, if I am honest, it was this part that made it feel VERY real. Because the accuracy in which he was able to describe people in my life was uncanny. And, this is something that he would have almost ZERO context for.

But, in a nutshell, I was able to connect with Brady, Levi and all of our little angels above. I was able to connect with my maternal grandfather (Papa Bob) who passed a year ago. He came through a lot and it was his connection that linked quite a bit to the living. Which, was very interesting. I was able to connect with my Dad’s parents who, I never expected because I generally don’t have a relationship with my dad and haven’t for some time.

All in all, it was very healing and hopeful. And, anyone who is on the fence, do your research and find someone who you feel comfortable with. And whether it’s real or not, whether your supposed to know or not, if it makes you feel any sort of peace then it’s worth it.

I used Mark the Medium from Olive Readers


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