Grief Journaling

Have you ever heard of grief journaling?

Have you ever tried it?

It’s exactly as it sounds. You are writing about your grief experience. And, it is a wildly effective method to contribute to one’s healing.

It is my experience that facing what happened, articulating your feelings and then practicing gratitude are essential to moving forward.

This can be done very simply by just starting to write. Just write it all down. But, if you are new in your grief and you’re having trouble extrapolating what the feelings are and how to articulate them on paper, here are a few prompts that may help you on your way.

  1. What happened? Very basically and objectively. What circumstance led to your grief? Did someone pass? Did you separate from a family member etc.

  2. How did it happen? Were they sick? Was it sudden? Did you see it coming?

  3. What (simple) feelings are you feeling now? Sad, Angry, Hurt, Relief etc.

  4. What about the circumstance is making you feel that way?

    *Now you have the basis for your journaling laid out. Now, work with these prompts

  5. When I feel upset, who are my people?

  6. What can I be grateful for within this experience?

  7. Today, I miss…

  8. If I could say something to you once more, it would be…

  9. My favourite memories are…

  10. How can I take care of myself today?

If this still seems overwhelming and you’re not sure where to start, I have a condensed version of this process in the FREE DOWNLOAD at the bottom of this page.


My Medium Experience


You Don’t Owe Anyone an Explanation