You Don’t Owe Anyone an Explanation

If you are sitting in grief, even if it’s been years, even if it’s been a day, I just want this to be your reminder that whatever way in which you are grieving, for however long you need to grieve that way, is your business and you don’t owe anyone an explanation.

There are three consistent messages that I hear from anyone who is experiencing grief:

  1. It comes in waves

  2. It is not linear

  3. there is no expiry date

So, if it feels like it’s never ending. If it feels like you are just reaching the end and then get slammed back down. If you still feel triggered years later…You don’t owe anyone an explanation or justification for your feelings.

I think, as women, we just are empathetic in nature. We generally put our own needs last and take care of everyone else first. So, when someone else projects their judgement or expectation onto us, we feel it. Deeply. But, if you are on a grief journey and someone projects that same judgement and expectation onto you, it can make you feel extremely small. And, we impulsively try to justify and explain ourselves.

I am just here to tell you once more, you don’t owe anyone an explanation.

When it comes to grief, we all experience is completely differently and no way is the wrong way. We’re all just surviving, trying to make something good out of something bad and we’re all human. So, don’t ever feel like you need to justify a feeling or experience to someone who hasn’t lived it.

You do you! And, you do you for however long until it feels better to do something else.


Grief Journaling


Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month