Reflection on 2022

2022 was an interesting year for me!

In many ways it was a year that allowed for a lot of fun and growth personally but, not so much on this space. I sort of had a bit of a stop, start mentality. I just don’t know if I was ready to jump all in. There were too many other loose ends to tie up. And, those loose ends, for the most part feel like they’ve at least tightened if not tied completely up here at the beginning of 2023.

Some of the real highs for this past year were mostly surrounding Kyla and watching her experience and enjoy life. For instance:

  • She had her fourth birthday party. Which was the first one that she invited friends to. And actually has real friends.

  • She performed in her first dance recital.

  • She started school.

  • We as a family went to Myrtle Beach.

  • We participaed in the McMaster Walk and Wheel fundraiser with friends.

  • Neil and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary and actually went away for it.

  • I went to Mexico on a girls trip

  • We had a fun Christmas break creating lots of fun memories.

The lows definitely include:

  • Saying goodbye to our furry love, our first child, Louis.

  • Saying goodbye to a dear friend taken too soon.

  • Getting Covid and the Flu.

  • Not making this platform more of a priority. I do love it here so, I need to allow it the space to be a priority.

I truly pray with every fiber of my being that this year is not about loss and really about conquering the fear that thrives in me following grief. Heartbreak is not acceptable!

2023 is a new year with a new and healthier vibe. I am praying for health, wealth and happiness for us all.

My goal is to: empathize, encourage and empower you as you move through grief at your own pace. I would be so honoured to be your companion and support you on this journey.

Book your first FREE session today!


How Long Does Grief Last?


Goals for 2023